Sunday, March 2, 2008


There has been expressed to us on what students can do to act in support of their part-time profs, both to prevent a strike and because they are such great instructors. So, we will lay down everything a student, a parent, a friend, or just a concerned individual can and should do.

First, if they have Facebook, join the part-timers support groups here (Wilfrid Laurier only) and here (global). It should be noted that only people with Facebook accounts can see these pages, unfortunately.

Secondly, if they don't have physical access to Wilfrid Laurier, being a concerned individual some distance away, they can sign the online version of the petition here. Only one signature per person please. They should also not hesitate of sending out the link to the online petition ( to anyone who wouldn't mind signing it.

Third, e-mail or (better) call the head administrators of Wilfrid Laurier University to express your concern for the issue. From what we have heard, our actions are making an impact on the negotiations. The full list of people who can influence the negotiations are as follows:

Max Blouw (President of the University) – (519) 884-0710 ext. 2250
Beverly Harris (Chair of the Board of Governors) – (519) 884-0710 ext. 2443
Sue Horton (Vice-President: Academic) – (519) 884-0710 ext. 2221
Jim Butler (Vice-President: Finance & Administration) – (519) 884-0710 ext. 2248
Scott Hayter (Vice-President: University Advancement) – (519) 884-0710 ext. 3173
Leo Groarke (Vice-President: Brantford) – (519) 756-8228 ext. 5702
Paul Maxim (Associate Vice-President, Research) – (519) 884-0710 ext. 3601
David Docherty (Dean of Arts) – (519) 884-0710 ext. 3690
Charles Morrison (Dean of Music) – (519) 884-0710 ext. 2151
Lesley Cooper (Dean of Social Work) – (519) 884-0710 ext. 5252
Ginny Dybenko (Dean of Business) – (519) 884-0710 ext. 2671
Deborah MacLatchy (Dean of Science) – (519) 884-0710 ext. 2401
Joan Norris (Dean of Graduate Studies) – (519) 884-0710 ext. 3324
David Pfrimmer (Head of the Seminary) – (519) 884-0710 ext. 3229

Fourth, e-mail your part-time/CAS profs and voice your support for the education they are providing and the steps they are taking to be recognized as contributing members to the Laurier community. Also, consider e-mailing this special list of people who comprise the CAS bargaining team. I was talking to one of them and they are very happy for the support they are receiving:

Doug Lorimer (History) -
Jonathan Haxell (Archaeology and Anthropology) -
Mike Skelton (Library) -
Laurie Blaikie (WLUFA) -
Michele Kramer (English and Film Studies) -
Fifth, hit the classes - ask your profs permission to come and briefly speak and do it. This information needs to be distributed.

Finally, go to the WLUFA website and read up on the topic. Get acquainted and help us spread the news of the negotiations to everyone because we always could use more people talking and circulating the petitions, even if it's just for half an hour.

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