Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A "Fair and Responsible" Offer

Ladies and Gentlemen - Max Blouw's own words:
I believe Laurier’s final offer is fair and responsible and takes into consideration both the short- and the long-term well-being of our students, staff, full-time faculty and contract academic staff. The university’s final offer recognizes the need for Laurier to be competitive with respect to the compensation of its CAS members. It also focuses on ensuring academic quality and the ongoing viability of Laurier by acknowledging the budgetary and other challenges we face.
Key words are bolded.

So what was their final grand offer. That was obviously very competitive and recognized the value part-timers gave to Laurier. Well it was... 3.5%... oh and no increase in job security. Do the math now - 6,001 x 1.035 = 6,211. Compare that with other universities. That's after six months of negotiating, twice as long as it should, and nearly non-stop negotiations on Monday and Tuesday until 6:00 am in the morning today.

That's not an offer - that's a slap in the face! It is the opposite of keeping Laurier competitive or providing academic quality or, for that matter, caring about the concerns of the students! It says just how poorly they think of our part-time faculty and they have every right to be on strike.

As for the "challenges we face" - I heard of those, and those are very valid challenges. However, that's no excuse on dumping the brunt of those challenges on already the most overworked and underpaid individuals on our campus. It's neither fair nor responsible.

Ladies and Gentlemen - my own words:
Key words are bolded.

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